Health Safety Policy

The objective of the company policy, as a fundamental part of its Health and Safety management system and in accordance with the Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 is to prevent, insofar as is reasonably practicable during the course of the work or duties being undertaken, any accidental occurrence which may directly or indirectly result in:

  • Injury or occupational ill health to any person
  • Damage to or loss of any plant, equipment property, materials or products
  • Delays in any processes or operations
  • Events, Which may otherwise be detrimental to efficiency
  • Adverse impact upon the environment

The application and promotion of the policy is the responsibility of our (Granite Workwear Ltd) senior management. Whilst duties and tasks may be delegated the overall responsibility remains that of senior management to ensure that we (Granite Workwear Ltd) comply with all relevant statutory Health and Safety Legislation, Approved Codes of Practice, and applicable standards.

We (Granite Workwear Ltd)

  • Treat Health and Safety as seriously as other aims.
  • Believe that injuries and occupational illness can be prevented.
  • Will set and maintain high standards of Health and Safety at all locations.
  • Work in accordance with our Client’s contractual health and safety requirements.
We aim to act responsibly to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of our employees whilst at work.

We Will

  • Set and Monitor safety objectives
  • Be committed to continual improvement in safety performance.
  • Provide and maintain safe systems of work which will minimise risk to health.
  • Carry out an assessment of risk to all employees whilst at work.
  • Provide sufficient resources for the management of health and safety.
  • Provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to promote the health and safety of our employees.
  • Seek the full co-operation of employees and clients in implementing this policy and promoting good safety practices.
  • Ensure all employees are fit for the work they are required to do.
  • Minimise risk of injury or illness created by work activities.
  • Provide adequate resources to ensure satisfaction of this safety policy.
  • Ensure that senior management actively involves the workforce – including part-time and agency workers – as part of developing a positive health and safety culture.
  • Apply the content of this policy and all details contained within our Management System equally to both our (Granite Workwear Ltd) employees and any subcontract / consultant / agency labour we may utilise.
  • Ensure that the content of this policy is reviewed on at least an annual basis.
We aim to act responsibly to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of our employees whilst at work.

Each employee has a duty to co-operate by:

  • Complying with appropriate legal requirements and company health and safety rules.
  • Wearing and using the protective clothing and equipment provided.
  • Applying good housekeeping to work areas.
  • Reporting incidents or hazards which could lead to injury or damage.
  • Attending safety training in accordance with our (Granite Workwear Ltd) requirements.
  • Working safely in the interests of themselves and others.

Signed: Simon Towle
Position: Director
Dated: 25.09.2019


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