EHQMS Policy

Granite Workwear Ltd is an established company specializing in the supply and distribution of workwear, PPE, corporate workwear and handtools. The company was founded in 2006 and operates from its head office at Hilltop Farm in Papplewick, Nottinghanshire.

As a commercial enterprise we are aware of the importance of satisfying our customers and of the financial impact of nonconformities on our profitability and as a responsible organisation we are aware of the impacts, both real and potential, which our activities could have on the environment and the health and safety of all persons under our control, whether they are employees, contractors, visitors or interested parties, and we are equally aware of the advantages of conforming to the requirements of our Environmental, Health & Safety and Quality (EHQMS) Management System.

For these reasons we are committed to complying with all applicable customer, legal, statutory and other requirements to which we subscribe as a minimum, to the prevention of pollution, the prevention of injury and ill health, and to continually improving the effectiveness of our EHQMS Management System which satisfies all the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and aligns with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018.

(The full scope of the EHQMS Management System, including the exclusions and their justification, is described in Procedure 01-A of the Manual: ‘EHQMS Manual and EHQM Management System Format’ and extends to all applicable activities, products, services, processes, site and environs.) Objectives, targets and programmes are set and reviewed as per the documented procedure in the EHQMS Manual, but generally overall objectives are set and reviewed as a result of identified risks, hazards, significant environmental aspects, opportunities for improvement or business needs which have been identified at the annual Management Review, although objectives and targets may be set outside of this forum at any time by Senior Management in reaction to circumstances which present themselves. Objectives and targets are consistent with the stated aims of this policy to comply with all applicable legal and other requirements, prevent pollution and continually improve, and may include objectives for the product / service and may form part of the company’s continual improvement programme. They are formally reviewed at the Management Review but also periodically reviewed by the Management Representatives who retain a full listing of all Objectives & Targets and their status.

Senior Management has ensured that this EHQMS Policy has been implemented and is maintained with the intention that they are made aware of their individual Occupational Health & Safety, Environmental and Quality obligations, and is reviewed for continuing suitability at the Management Review. It has been communicated to all persons working for or on behalf of the company and is available to members of the public as per the documented procedure in the EHQMS Manual, is made known to all new employees at induction, to other persons working for or on behalf of the company at the earliest opportunity, and is displayed at various locations throughout the site.

Signed: Simon Towle
Position: Director
Dated: 25.09.2019


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