How To Choose The Right Safety Boots

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How To Choose The Right Safety Boots

01 April 2022


Safety footwear is a crucial element in workwear comfort and safety. It shouldn't be ignored, nor should you "go cheap" when investing in a pair of new workwear boots.

So when the time comes that you're looking to buy a new pair of workwear boots, we've got you covered with this in-depth guide on what to consider when purchasing a new pair of boots.

Fit For Purpose

First, consider what you do as a job. Someone who is an office worker will need a more "relaxed" pair of footwear compared to someone who works on a construction site.

So the questions to ask are, will you be standing or walking around for long periods? Do you work in many different weather conditions? Are you at risk of falling debris or handling heavy machinery?

All of these answers can factor into the footwear you choose to buy.

Colour Scheme

Depending on where you work, you may be required to wear black shoes as that's part of the uniform.

This will instantly cut your decision making in half (if your company requires a specific colour of footwear), making it easier for you to choose.

Always check before purchasing to make sure you either need to stick to one colour or you have free reign on your choice of new footwear.


The comfort, of course, is essential, but remember that all shoes need to be "bedded-in" first. Wear them around the house first to let the boots move to the shape of your feet.

After a week or so, they should be good to wear to work, which is why it's all-important to buy new shoes ahead of time, to allow them to break in.


As we mentioned before, it's better to invest a little more and buy a high-quality pair of work boots that will last you 3-5 years, rather than purchasing a cheaper pair that you may only get a year or even just months out of.

Then, you're in the same position you're in now, having to spend more money on a new pair of boots, whereas before, spending a little more to invest in quality footwear.


Your feet may have grown or shrunk since the last time you measured them, so be sure to measure your feet to know you're getting the right size boots.

Now that you know your size, you want to go for that size only, not a size slightly bigger or smaller, but your actual shoe size, as this will help with the comfort and stability of your feet.

Added Protection

Consider buying work boots with steel-toe protection, water-resistance footwear or even chemical-resistant footwear.

This all depends on your job and the environment you work in, but it should not go unmissed. This should be a serious consideration in the decision you're making.

If you work with harmful chemicals that can burn through traditional trainers, they might not be the best option to wear at work. Hence why you should strongly consider chemical-resistant footwear.

Buy Online At Granite Today

We have a wide range of footwear for both men and women. Regardless of what you do for work, we're confident that we've got the proper footwear for you.

We only stock the biggest brands in workwear that offer high-quality products at a competitive price.

Take a look at our range of footwear today!